

"Mon fiancé et moi avons retrouvé Anna une belle matinée d'été à 30 minutes de Paris. Il faut dire que ni lui ni moi n'aimions être pris en photo et avions zéro expérience de photoshoot :) Anna a réussi à nous mettre à l'aise, en guidant doucement nos mouvements et en proposant des idées, tout en nous laissant vivre ces moments naturellement, sans le côté artificiel et sans vraiment "poser". Nous avons passé un super moment ensemble, qui nous a permis non seulement d'avoir de jolies photos, mais aussi de faire une belle rencontre avec une photographe douée et passionnée par ce qu'elle fait. Je n'avais aucun doute quant au résultat - on voit le talent d'Anna en regardant son compte Insta - mais j'avais tout de même les larmes aux yeux en regardant le résultat final ! Impossible de choisir parmi toutes les photos: elles sont toutes belles, naturelles, remplis d'émotions... Merci beaucoup Anna pour ce moment, tu as un vrai Talent de transmettre la beauté du moment, des émotions et des gens, et à la prochaine :)"


"Аня , чудесный , бесконечно талантливый фотограф , который помогает через снимки показать именно Вас и Вашу индивидуальность ! Трудно описать каким потрясающим удовольствием были несколько часов съёмки в то жутко морозное утро в Париже . Я испытывала все время детский восторг от процесса, потопу что Аня сразу настраивает на лёгкую и очень раскрепощению волну , ей хочется доверится и все , что нужно лишь прислушиваться к советам . В итоге эта лёгкость и большая любовь к делу чувствуются в каждом снимке , так что следующую фотосессию в городе любви , я совершенно точно знаю , у кого буду делать."

Irina & Evgenii

"Photoshoot with Anna = Great Time + Amazing photos in the end! Without a doubt, we can say that truly enjoyed the photosession. Besides, the photos exceeded all our expectations. Thank you for such an experience."


 "Начну с того, что я мечтаю вернуться к Ане ещё и ещё ! Все кадры со Сьемки как на подбор ... живые , настоящие ... она невероятно красиво видит"


"Мы с Анной уже провели три замечательные фотосессии. И мы в полном ВОСТОРГЕ!!! Дни были плодотворные, но и на релаксе. Анна прекрасный, наполненный жизнью и идеями человек, с которым невероятно легко и приятно работать. Всем знакомым уже посоветовали. Это большая удача - найти такого профессионала и светлого человека одновременно. СПАСИБО тебе большое!"


"Знаете, что отличает настоящих творцов? Свой собственный стиль. Работы Ани легко узнаваемы даже без подписи. Уметь видеть столько красоты в людях - это поразительно! Мы снимались несколько раз и я всегда с нетерпением жду следующего.

У Ани сниматься весело, легко и приятно. Кто приходит к ней, остается с ней навсегда!"

Vassa & Alain

"Anna is one of the best photographers we have ever worked with. She is a real artist. Anna sees beauty in everything.

If you would have any opportunity to work with her, don't miss your chance!

Аня-настоящий художник! Она видит красоту во всем и раскрывает её в каждом своём снимке, будь то булочная Парижа или портрет влюблённых."


"Un moment super agréable, des fous rires, des échanges sur tout et n'importe quoi, très humain... et le résultat, les meilleures photos de moi que j'ai jamais eues!"

Yuliya & Nikita

"С Аней очень легко и комфортно! Как она ловит кадр, направляет в позировании, как помогает раскрываться людям! Ух! Спасибо большое! Было очень приятно познакомиться и делать крутые фото!!! Лучшая"


"Анна - настоящий профессионал своего дела, с ней приятно и комфортно находиться рядом. Во время съёмок отсутствует зажатость/стеснение/остолбенение. Хочется двигаться и кайфовать. Результат превзошёл все ожидания - это, наверное, самые красивые фотографии в моей жизни. Хочется ещё отметить знание фотографом «тайных» мест для съемки, подбор их по времени суток/года/образы. Мечтаю брать Анну с собой во все отпуска!"

Daria & Richard

"Anna is a wonderful very talented lady. She is very tactful and thoughtful. It was very nice to meet her. Pictures are fabulous. We had a great day."


"I had four shootings with Anna: two love stories with my husband and two personal shootings. Anna is super professional, she knows and loves what she does, which makes it all perfect! Love every photo she took for us! thank you Anna!"


"Absolutely amazing pictures by Anna! Worth every penny! The pictures are memories we will treasure forever. She is extremely sweet, patient and I would highly recommend her!"


"Me and my fiancé did our pre-wedding photoshoot for 3hours with Anna in Paris. She is a true magician behind the camera. Not only she is a very talented photographer but she is also super friendly & makes sure that her clients are super comfortable during the photoshoot. She absolutely loves her job and you can tell how passionate she is about photography by working with her. Anna captured all emotions in every photograph that she clicked which me and my fiancé will cherish forever !♥️ Thank you very much Anna ! We look forward to work with you again someday :)"

Kennady & Zeke

"Anna was the absolute greatest kind of photographer to work with! We were super excited and during our shoot it started pouring raining and despite it being winter and we were all freezing she chose to make the best out of it! She was super nice and these are my hands down favorite pictures that we will cherish forever!"


"С Аней невероятно легко! А это нереально важно, чтобы раскрепоститься и получить душевные кадры??? результат превзошёл все ожидания!"

Sierra & Spencer
"Our photo session with Anna was a highlight of our trip! We met her on a quiet early morning by the Eiffel Tower. She was so kind and directive throughout the shoot making us feel comfortable and allowed our true nature to shine through the photos. The morning was so pleasant with her and the finished product we are so happy with! She expertly captured our personalities and love in a flattering and chic way. The quality of the photos and editing far exceeded my expectations! We will cherish these photos forever! Thank you for your talent, professionalism, and warmth Anna! We will definitely be back to paris and hopefully shoot with you again soon!"

"Anna, thank you very much! Photos are wonderful and not only in terms of quality. You could see us real. A rare photographer can do this. So many different emotions and everything is shown from a good angle. You're professional I have no doubt."

"Anna est une photographe incroyable! Très professionnelle, photos exceptionnelles, tu as fait de nous des stars! Merci ma belle Anna pour ton travail."

"I was so lucky to met Anna in Paris and to work with her for different photo shoots. She adores her job and she is very attentive to every detail that make the whole image at the end just marvelous! Every time we met time just passed by laughing, making fun and enjoying the shooting: I was feeling completely comfortable from our first meeting! Anna is very easy-going and cheerful person, it's pure pleasure to work with you, thank you!"

Rozelaine and Deejay
"Deejae and I wanted to personally thank you for taking time in your day to come out early morning and take our photos.  Nonetheless, take further time to edit the photos.  We really made the right choice in having you take our photos and capturing this special moment in our lives. We are forever thankful!

We are so beyond thrilled with how the photos turned out.  Who knew that he and I can be in photos that looked like that!  The outcome totally surpassed our expectations and we are in love with them. We literally cannot stop looking over the photos.

What we loved most about it is how you were able to capture each moment leading up to the proposal.  Each time I look at the photos, its as if I relive those moments.  Every laugh, every tear, every butterfly that I felt at that moment, I am able to relive in the photos.  Which makes it that much more special.  Im sure each person that sees the photos feels the love as well.

We thank you again, and hope that in the future we can maybe come back to Paris take more photos. I took a look at your social media and your photos are stunning!  In that hour that we were able to connect, I think you are such an awesome person with such a great heart.  I wish you all the luck in life, love, and success."

"I spent the past summer studying, living, and falling in love with Paris. Having special photos to capture that moment in my life is something I will always cherish! I was very fortunate to locate Anna as my photographer. Anna is extremely professional and talented at what she does. During the shoot she made me feel very comfortable and at ease. It was like hanging out with a friend as we explored the city that we love! I know when I return to Paris I will be contacting Anna again. Merci, Anna!"

Alina & Loïc
"We were lucky to make photoshoot with Anna.During just short time we visited the most beautiful and romantic places in Paris and made great pictures. She is very professional and she has positive vibes,which help us to relax in front of camera and to show our true emotions .She was very friendly and in fact we just there and had fun, she made all job for us!it was incredible !we are very grateful and happy about the result of our shooting ,which will be a great memory about our love and time in Paris!we are lucky ,that met such a talented photographer and interesting person.thank you ,Anna!"

Katie & Drew
"Our session with Anna during our trip to Paris is something we will never forget. She was fun, kind and made us feel more than comfortable. Her talent speaks for itself. We appreciate her professionalism and ease of communication before we left on our trip and while in Europe. We absolutely love our pictures and will cherish that memory forever. Thank you!"

"Anna est une jeune femme dynamique, patiente , professionnelle et sait parfaitement s'adapter à vos envies et volontés. Un agreable shooting en sa compagnie...experience à renouveller sans aucune hésitation... "

Ekaterina Zissis
"Shooting est super sympa ! Anna est génial comme photographe et en plus ambiance amicale et agréable ! On a passé une journée magnifique à Nice !! Merci encore et j'espère on va avoir encore plein de photos avec toi."

Yuliya Trufanova
"I'm so in love with my photos made by Anna. Shooting was great, full of fun and amazing atmosphere. Working with such professional is always a pleasure. It was a nice walk in beautiful Paris which turned with such cool photos! Thank you so much, I wish we do something interesting in future again. Merci, Anna!"

Hélène & Rémi
"Super expérience lors du shooting photo avec Anna Yakovleva. Son professionnalisme, son expérience et sa passion sont 3 éléments clés qui ont fait que bien que débutants, nous avons passé un super moment (ce qui n'était pas évident quand on a pas l'habitude.) Le rendu des photos est au dessus de notre espérance, je ne peux que la recommander et la féliciter pour le travail qu'elle a réalisée!"

Harriet et Jean-Noël
"Nous avons été époustouflés par la qualité des photos qu'a prises d'Anna. Son professionnalisme nous a impressionnés. Elle a réussi à retranscrire la journée sans être intrusive, à avoir des photos intimistes sans se faire voir. Grâce à Anna nous aurons toujours l'impression que le baptême de notre fille n'était qu'hier! Merci!"

Polina Polevych-Destinay
"On a passé avec Anna la journée pleine de découvertes et des conversations agréables. Pendant le tournage Anna m'a bien rassuré parce que au début j'étais confuse(que je trouve normale si tu n'es pas une modèle))). Elle peut trouver une façon unique et ça compte fort au travail avec les gens. Quand j'ai reçu les photos.... c'était une nouvelle surprise pour moi parce que j'ai trouvé les choses que j'ai jamais remarqué dans moi-même.. C'est une sensation magnifique et je veux bien remercier Anna pour ça. J’espère de cotravailler avec toi au futur ;) et garde ta sensation de moment que tu enregistres pour nous faire heureux."